We can Predict some of the questions from Input-Output Chapter, So, Better just Revise this chapter.
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to Score better than the before in RBI ASSISTANT Prelim Exam.
Directions (1-5) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: shop 17 table 20 53 oven desk 39
Step I : 17 shop table 20 53 oven desk 39
Step II : 17 table shop 20 53 oven desk 39
Step III : 17 table 20 shop 53 oven desk 39
Step IV : 17 table 20 shop 39 53 oven desk
Step V : 17 table 20 shop 39 oven 53 desk
And Step V is the last step of the rearrangement.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
1. Step II of an input is :
15 yes 62 51 48 talk now gone which of the following will be step VI ?
1) 15 yes 48 talk 51 now gone 62
2) 15 yes 48 talk 51 62 now gone
3) 15 yes 48 talk 51 now 62 gone
4) There will be no such step
5) None of these
2. Step III of an input is:
21 victory 30 joint 64 47 all gone How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
1) Three
2) Four
3) Five
4) Six
5) None of these
3. Input :89 bind 32 goal house 61 12 joy
How many steps will be required to complete the arrangement?
1) Four
2) Five
3) Six
4) Seven
5) None of these
4. Input:
Save 21 43 78 them early 36 for
Which of the following steps will be the last but one?
1) VI
2) VII
4) V
5) None of these
5. Input : desire 59 63 all few 38 46 zone
How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
1) Four
2) Five
3) Six
4) Seven
5) None of these
Directions (6-10) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions :
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input : base 35 or gone 62 49 87 ahead
Step I : 87 base 35 or gone 62 49 ahead
Step II : 87 ahead base 35 or gone 62 49
Step III : 87 ahead 62 base 35 or gone 49
Step IV : 87 ahead 62 base 49 35 or gone
Step V : 87 ahead 62 base 49 gone 35 or
And step V is the last step of the rearrangement.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
6. Input : how was you stay 56 25 36 64
Which of the following will be step VI ?
1) 64 how 56 was your stay 25 36
2) 64 how 56 stay 36 was 25 your
3) 64 how 56 stay 36 was your 25
4) there will be no such step
5) None of these
7. Input :power fail now 52 24 75 gate 34
Which of the following steps will be the last but one ?
1) IV
2) V
3) VI
4) VII
5) None of these
8. Step III of an input is : 91 car 85 14 27 few new house
Which of the following is definitely the input ?
1) 85 14 91 car few new house
2) car 91 85 14 27 few new house
3) car 85 14 27 few new house 91
4) cannot be determined
5) None of these
9. Step II of an input is : 75 down 16 24 farm eager 62 sky
How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
1) Four
2) Five
3) Six
4) Seven
5) None of these
10. Input : 14 35 when they came 61 48 home
How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
1) Four
2) Five
3) Six
4) Seven
5) None of these
(1-5) :
After careful, Analysis of the given input and various steps of arrangement it is evident that one number and one word are arranged alternately. The numbers are arranged in ascending order while the words are arranged in reverse alphabetical order.
1. (3)
Step II : 15 yes 62 5148 talk now gone
Step III : 15 yes 48 62 51 talk now gone
Step IV : 15 yes 48 talk 62 51 now gone
Step V : 15 yes 48 talk 51 62 now gone
Step VI : 15 yes 48 talk 51 now 62 gone
2. (5)
Step III : 21 victory 30 joint 64 47 all gone
Step IV : 21 factory 30 joint 47 64 all gone
Step V : 21 victory 30 joint 47 gone 64 all
3. (3)
Input : 89 bind 32 goal house 61 12 joy
Step I : 12 89 bind 32 goal house 61 joy
Step II : 12 joy 89 bind 32 goal house 61
Step III : 12 joy 32 89 bind goal house 61
Step IV: 21 victory 30 joint 47 64 all gone
Step V : 21 victory 30 joint 47 gone 64 all
4. (5)
Input : save 21 43 78 them early 36 for
Step I : 21 save 43 78 them early 36 for
Step II : 21 them save 43 78 early 36 for
Step III : 21 them 36 save 43 78 early for
Step IV : 21 them 36 save 43 for 78 early
5. (2)
Input : desire 59 63 all few 38 46 zone
Step I : 38 desire 59 63 all few 46 zone
Step II : 38 zone desire 59 63 all few 46
Step IV: 38 zone 46 few desire 59 63 all
Step V : 38 zone 46 few 59 desire 63 all
From the given analysis of given input and various steps of rearrangement, it is evident that alternately one number and one word are arranged. The numbers get arranged in descending order and the words get arranged as per dictionary.
6. (4)
Input: how was your stay 56 25 36 64
Step I: 64 how was your stay 56 25 36
Step II: 64 how 56 was your stay 25 36
Step III: 64 how 56 stay was your 25 36
Step IV: 64 how 56 stay 36 was your 25
Step V: 64 how 56 stay 36 was 25 your
7. (3)
Input: power fail now 52 24 75 gate 34
Step I: 75 power fail now 52 24 gate 34
Step II: 75 fail power now 52 24 gate 34
Step III: 75 fail 52 power now 24 gate 34
Step IV: 75 fail 52 gate power now 24 34
Step V: 75 fail 52 gate 34 power now 24
Step VI: 75 fail 52 gate 34 now power 24
Step VII: 75 fail 52 gate 34 now 24 power
8. (4) From the given step it is not possible to determine the input.
9. (1)
Step II: 75 down 16 24 farm eager 62 sky
Step III: 75 down 62 16 24 farm eager sky
Step IV: 75 down 62 eager 16 24 farm sky
Step V: 75 down 62 eager 24 16 farm sky
Step VI: 75 down 62 eager 24 farm 16 sky
10. (3)
Input: 14 35 when they came 61 48 home
Step I: 61 14 35 when they came 48 home
Step II: 61 came 14 35 when they 48 home
Step III: 61 came 48 14 35 when they home
Step IV: 61 came 48 home 14 35 when they
Step V: 61 came 48 home 35 14 when they
Step VI: 61 came 48 home 35 they 14 when
Directions: A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. Read the following information and answer the questions.The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement
Q(11-15)Input: gone none 53 39 18 for again 66
Step 1 : 66 gone none 53 39 18 for again
Step 2 : 66 again gone none 53 39 18 for
Step 3 : 66 again 53 gone none 39 18 for
Step 4 : 66 again 53 for gone none 39 18
Step 5 : 66 again 53 for 39 gone none 18
Step 6 : 66 again 53 for 39 gone none 18
Step 7 : 66 again 53 for 39 gone 18 none
Step 7 is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input. As per the rules followed in the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
11.Input: trees 18 27 date are 91 hour zero 31 16 chairs.
Which of the following will be step 4 ?
A.) 91 are 31 trees 18 27 date hour zero 16 chairs
B.) 91 trees 18 27 date are hour zero 31 16 chairs
C.) 91 are 31 chairs trees 18 27 date hour zero 16
D.) 91 are 31 chairs 27 date 18 trees hour zero 16
E.) none of these
12.Input: how too 38 23 87 43 role over
Which of the following steps will be the last?
A.) Step 4
B.) Step 5
C.) Step 6
D.) Step 7
E.) none of these
13.Step 2 of an input is: 94 car 86 wood shut 52 31 house
Which of the following is definitely the input?
A.) 94 car wood 86 shut 52 31 house
B.) 86 wood 94 car shut 52 31 house
C.) car shut wood 86 52 31 house 94
D.) cannot be determined
E.) none of these
14.Input: show 51 37 note for 82 49 goot
Which of the following steps will be the last but one?
A.) Step 7
B.) Step 8
C.) Step 6
D.) Step 5
E.) none of these
15.Step 4 of an input is: 58 boot 47 den 15 21 town pure
Which of the steps will be the last?
A.) Step 7
B.) Step 6
C.) Step 8
D.) Step 9
E.) none of these
Q(16-20)Input: some found 19 other 99 27 came 45
Step 1 : came some found 19 other 99 27 45
Step 2 : came 99 some found 19 other 27 45
Step 3 : came 99 found some 19 other 27 45
Step 4 : came 99 found 45 some 19 other 27
Step 5 : came 99 found 45 other some 19 27
Step 6 : came 99 found 45 other 27 some 19
Step 6 is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input. As per the rules followed in the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
16.Input : mathematics hour for 18 ant 89 21 47
Which of the following will be step 2?
A.) ant 89 hour mathematics for 18 21 47
B.) ant 89 mathematics 18 hour for 21 47
C.) ant 89 mathematics hour for 18 21 47
D.) Can not be determined
E.) none of these
17.Input: books all 25 57 67 gun new 39
Which of the following will be step 4?
A.) all 67 books 57 gun new 25 39
B.) all 67 books 57 gun 39 25 new
C.) all 67 books 57 gun 25 new 39
D.) Can not be determined
E.) none of these
18.Input: on after 36 28 49 sleep mat 59
which of the following will be last?
A.) 6
B.) 7
C.) 5
D.) 8
E.) none of these
19.Step 3 of an input is : bet 69 do 19 27 tiger flight 39
which of the following will be last but one?
A.) 6
B.) 7
C.) 8
D.) 5
E.) none of these
20.Step 2 of an input is : earth 77 39 47 hero golf 29 more
Which of the following is definitely the input?
A.) 47 77 39 earth hero golf 29 more
B.) 29 39 77 47 hero golf earth more
C.) hero 29 39 77 47 golf earth more
D.) Cannot be determined
E.) none of these
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