1. Imminent - Likely to occur at any moment.
2. Extradition - Formal request by one government to another government for it's citizens in case of jurisdiction.
3. Crucial - Involving an extremely important decision.
4. Languished - Suffered in an unpleasant situation.
5. Faction - Organised group of people within a larger group.
6. Asylum - Refugee. ( Government's permission to stay in their country).
7. Kid-gloves - To treat with extreme tact or gentleness.
8. Fugitive - Someone who is running away or hiding from police .
9. Lethal - Dangerous.
10. Insurgents - People who are fighting against their own government.
11. Grievances - Complaints against an unfair act.
12. Brewing - Starting to develop.
13. Bolster - Strengthen or Sustain.
14. Sacked - Dismissed.
15. Probed - Searched into or examined thoroughly.
16. Inclination - One's own preference.
17. Purge - Undesirable things.
18. Confrontational - Arguments / Dispute.
19. Dissent - Strong disagreement or dissatisfaction.
20. Fissures - Split or deep crack.
21. Condemnation - Act of saying that something is unacceptable.
22. Consensus - Majority of Opinion.
23. Archipelago - Chain of small Islands.
Day 2 on Tomorrow